It is estimated that half of women over the age of sixty-five experience some form of female pattern baldness. The hairloss can range from a thinning area to the frontal scalp.
Can be inclusive of the crown, and in some cases all over thinning and baldness. In these cases this procedure is life changing.
While the chances of hair loss increase as you get older, female pattern baldness can affect women of any age. It is largely hereditary but can also be caused by other factors such as increased stress levels, a hormonal imbalance, a bad diet, trauma, a medical condition, or an adverse reaction to a treatment. Female pattern baldness is measured by the Ludwig scale. Please see Ludwig scale.
The Savin scale is used to illustrate the different types of female pattern baldness. Regardless of where you land on the graph, scalp micropigmentation can help. The results of creating the illusion of thicker hair by camouflaging the affected areas of the scalp are immediate. Natural hair growth will often return once a medical treatment has been completed – skin micropigmentation will not interfere with this in any way.
Scalp micropigmentation will remove the unfair stigma of female hair loss and allow for our clients to enjoy added confidence and freedom as they will no longer have to use headwear or complicated styling solutions.