While it won’t cure pattern baldness (there currently isn’t a cure), it is a far more practical alternative to hair transplants. Whether you’re suffering from alopecia, pattern baldness, thinning hair or crown hair loss, this thinning hair treatment will work wonders. It’s even effective at covering over birthmarks and scars. The process couldn’t be easier and involves the use of small specialised needles; a bit like getting a tattoo.
Our experts select colours which match your hair colour perfectly and insert the pigment to match your hairline. Each treatment can take up to four hours, and around three treatments are usually required to complete the procedure. Once finished, you’ll be left with results that resemble a closely shaven scalp; completely natural looking with no signs of thinning.
To learn more about our incredible scalp micro-pigmentation treatment, call Karen Peake Scalp today on 07720 285822.